after pregnancy i became a junk food crazy

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growing up i hardly ate junk food. my mom said i was so good i never begged for candy at the store.  after my first pregnancy it got worse all i wanted was junk food 24/7. it got worse with my second, but i learned to control it with my 3. now that i have two toddlers. it’s so hard to keep the junk out of the cupboards. my kids love candy chips everything you can think of.

when i got the email parent bloggers were doing a blog blast about snacks. i thought that i’m going to embarassed by taking pictures of all my unhealthy food. but who cares this is me. i am eating chocolate fudge poptarts as we speak. we do have some healthy snacks, my kids are not to fond of them. but like freeze dried fruits, cheerios, etc. which is wht i am glad to know that brothers all natural makes a great snack my kids will love

my husbands in college and packs his lunch, so there is part of the junk food right there, but it’s mainly my fault. i do the shopping. my snacking confession is i am dpressed a lot and snacking is helpful to me. i odn’t over do it. but you know it always feels nice when your down to just graba bag of chips and chow down.

this is my cupboard and as you can see it’s not very good.  pop tarts, chips, jello, and they are hidden but hershey bars.

my pantry is not so bad, popcorn and graham crackers

 in my fridge i have ready to bake cookies, soda, and juice

so i am not a health freak i love to snack. and i do give my kids occasional snacks. but we do eat healthy too. salad or vegetables every night with dinner. plenty of fruits with breakfast and lunch varies.

this post was written for parent bloggers network as an entry for a contest sponsored by brothers all natural

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2 thoughts on “after pregnancy i became a junk food crazy

  1. Pingback: Blog Blast Confessional: Snack Attack! | The Parent Bloggers Network
  2. I, too, am junk food crazy. But I haven’t had any children yet! I need to get my habits under control before I plan to get pregnant. My pantry is very similar to yours and I also do the shopping so like to get the snacks I prefer. It makes me depressed sometimes because my husband is so active and fit but I can’t get up and be like him. He likes to eat as healthy as he can alll the time. Makes me crazy. His fitness is mostly cycling so I just bought a bike and am joining him. Tonight I feel like my legs are made of jello. So if I can get the exercise thing down, maybe my snacking can be the next goal.

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