Temple touch thermometer(giveaway)

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With three kids under the age of 5, colds get around a lot in my house.  I hate taking my kids temperature, because they never sit still. I switched from a rectal to an ear thermometer, but the problem there is positioning it right.

I was able to review the Temple Touch Thermometer, and i’m so thrilled to finally find something that can ease the stress of taking temperatures. It’s the easiest and most accurate way of taking your childs temperature.

Taking body temperatures has never been easier. Simply touch the thermometer to your child’s temple area and in just seconds, get a clinically accurate result. Totally non invasive and gentle so it can be used even on the fussiest child.

Exclusive R.A.T.E. Technology measures the heat radiating from the body and produces a clinically accurate measurement of the core body temperature. Unlike other forehead type thermometers, the Temple Touch is not affected by local ambient conditions. You get an accurate reading every time.

plus the Temple Touch also has these features:

  • Fever Alert; The display light up red to indicate a fever reading, green if it is normal.
  • Overdose Protection Timer; Shows time since the last medication dose so you if its safe to give another dose.
  • Large Back Lighted Display; Easy reading even in darkened room.
  • Fast; Results in 6 seconds.
  • Room Temperature Display; Shows the temperature of the room.
  • F° or C° Display.
  • Underarm mode; Can alternately be used as an underarm thermometer.

***I love this thermometer, it’s very simple to use, and the best is I can use it while my little one are sleeping. With Flu season on the horizon, i’m glad I have this handy. I know there are going to be long nights with crying sick toddlers.

Just for you:

I have one Temple Touch Thermometer  to give away

just leave me a comment telling me how you take your childs temperature?

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thanks to Momselect for this opportunity

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33 thoughts on “Temple touch thermometer(giveaway)

  1. I used to use the in the mouth thermometers or anal ones which are just horrible (anal) and then the mouth is hard because the kids can’t hold it in their mouths correctly. I now use the ear thermometer but it’s so hard to ensure their ear wax doesn’t clog the scanner. This would be perfect for my family.

  2. Old school right now with the under arm method. I sure what like an accurate one!

  3. I follow you on Twitter (I forgot to put it on a separate entry–oops!)

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  4. We have the one you put into their ear. They hate it! I can’t ever seem to get it in there right. So I keep getting inaccurate readings 🙁 This would be blessing for sure! Thanks for this super awesome giveaway!
    imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com

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