Holiday Gift Guide: EX S5 Digital Camera

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The EX-S5 is a sleek and sturdy digital camera with a compact design, producing high-quality results from a stylish body. Available in a variety of colors, the EX-S5 boasts 10.1 megapixels and weighs in at just over five ounces excluding the battery, making it sleeker and slimmer than almost any other entry-level digital camera on the market.  Widescreen videos can easily be recorded on the EX-S5, and the camera also offers YouTube capture Mode which records videos at the ideal settings for the world’s largest video-sharing site.  Retailing at $129, this camera offers advanced technology at a very affordable price.

***This little camera is the perfect pocket camera.   It’s small and sleek design makes it perfect to fit in a purse, pocket or diaper bag.  I love that it has a big screen, for better picture-taking. 

here are some pics i took with this camera

CIMG0006              CIMG0003




This camera takes better quality pics than my Kodak.   The only complaint I have about the Casio EX S5 is the usb slot on the camera is hard to get to.    You can also make Videos, and instantly upload the to you tube.

retail $129.00, but can be found on Amazon for $119.88

visit for this gift idea and much more.

Rating: 9

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2 thoughts on “Holiday Gift Guide: EX S5 Digital Camera

  1. That flash is not too bright. You can diminish it’s strength by backing up and using the zoom a little more. It may give your pics a more natural lighting look.

  2. Pingback: Holiday Gift Guide: EX S5 Digital Camera « no time mommy | Technology Yard

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