New Elefun Games with Giveaway

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Kids can experience the fantasy world of Elefun & Friends online by visiting and entering the special code that can be found inside each Elefun & Friends game box. Once the code is entered, kids can access The Tangled Tale, an Elefun & Friends animated short. This entertaining tale features Elefun on an adventure to untangle a kite string, which ultimately leads him to the true meaning of friendship. The Elefun & Friends online experience also lets kids play games and sing along to songs like “Friends´ til the End” and “Follow that String” that help remind children of the importance of fun and play!

The Elefun & Friends collection, which also includes Elefun, Hungry Hungry Hippos, and Gator Golf, provides a great way for parents and their kids to enjoy silly, active playtime together.

I received two Games to play with my kids.

Giraffalaff Limbo Box

Giraffalaff Limbo- is the crazy new game of “how low can you go?” Spin the dial to try one of the 6 limbo styles: classic limbo, crab walk, crawl, giraffe walk, bend forward or backward. The game´s built-in sound will play an encouraging song as preschoolers try not to bump into Giraffalaff. If he´s knocked over, he´ll roll on the floor in laughter. The player that passes under Giraffalaff at the lowest level wins.

Scatterpillar Scramble BoxIn Scatterpillar Scramble kids will do their best to balance marbles in the hands of one very wiggly caterpillar. Kids will have fun dancing along to the music with Scatterpillar in this fast-paced marble game. The first player to securely place all 8 marbles in Scatterpillar´s hands wins. Scatterpillar  Scramble was named the 2009 Preschool Game of the Year by Creative Child Magazine.

*** My children are loving the games. They are still trying to get the hang of Scatterpillar Scramble, as they are still a little small for that one. Giraffalaff Limbo they love, they have played it several times. My son gets so scared when the giraffe gets knocked over and laughs.(lol)  This games are so much fun and perfect for any preschooler.

I have one ELEfuns prize pack to give away, featuring both these games.

to enter leave me a comment telling me your favorite game as a child, or your childs favorite game?

Extra entries:

subscribe to my feed: 6 entries

blog about this giveaway: 10 entries

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Tweet this giveaway: 4 entries (can be done daily)

leave a comment on any other post (from October) and come back and comment here with the post name. 2 entries per post

contest closes: 11/14/09

thanks to My blog spark and Hasbro for sponsoring this post, I received the games for free in exchange for a review. this however does not affect my views on the product.

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328 thoughts on “New Elefun Games with Giveaway

  1. My favorite game was UNO. My kid’s right now love the bouncy game and go nuts when we put them in the jumper.

    member (dot) thao (at)

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