I Catch A Character Review and giveaway(closed)

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I recently got to try out www.icaughtsanta.com. icaughtsanta is  family-friendly website providing parents with instant, ‘Picture-Perfect’ Proof that Santa was in their home! They also provide free videos of Santa in your home with every purchase.

They have even added new characters so you don’t have to choose just Santa, they also have Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, And Cupid. 

All you do is upload a photo(of your tree,childs pillow etc.) then choose your character and pose, then you have your photo.

You know when I first saw blogs doing this review i was skeptical, because every blog has the perfect little home with tile floors, beautiful  fireplace etc. I thought it was all set up like that. As you can tell though my house is not perfect.  I think this is a great idea.

Here is the picture i made and I think it’s a fun idea to show your kids on christmas. “Look i caught santa on camera last night.”  I explained it to my children and they were so excited. On the other hand my husband wasn’t very thrilled about it, he said its kindof brainwashing knowing the truth.  It’s all in fun though!

I have 9 codes to giveaway for you to create your own photo.

To enter tell me which character you would use. Santa, Cupid, Easter Bunny, Toothfairy?

Unlimited entries. you can tweet, blog about this as much as you would like.

Giveaway ends 12/26/09

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