Mothers Day Gift Guide: OXO Products Review and GiveawayCLOSED

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Product Description:Staples and OXO have teamed up to bring you an exciting line of office products. From advanced stapler technology to a new take on push pins, the collection was created for one simple reason — to make everyday work tasks easier, more efficient and more pleasant.

Through the OXO design philosophy of Universal Design, each product was created to be convenient and easy to use for everyone. It’s where advanced function meets comfortable usage.

I received the one hole puncher, retractable blue ballpoint pens, and push pin dispenser with push pins

The one hole punch has such a comfortable grip and is so convienant to use.  I have a three hole punch but it becomes so inconvienant when I only need one whole in a paper, Plus it gets jamed all the time. It punches through 6 pieces of paper, the tray captures the paper and it’s very convienant to dump.

The retractable ballpoint pens come in the color blue. The top of the pen  twists for the ink to be released. I really like these pens, most ballpoint pens the ink usually leaks for bleeds. These write very finely and are very comfortable to grasp. The pens can also be refilled, plus when the tip is exposed the pen will not clip, to avoid ink stains.


The push pins are very hold as they have a flat edge instead of round.  The push pin dispenser has a magnet in it so ot grabs the pins when the lid is lifted. it’s a great way to store your pins or as I call them tacs. We have a announcement board on our wall, where we hang our calender, bills , and important papers. We usually just have the push pins on the board, but our kids have been knocking them down, so the dispenser is a great way to keep them hidden yet still reachable.

You can find these great products at

Retail:One hole punch-$7.99, ballpoint pens-$6.99, push pin dispenser-$4.99, 24 ct. push pins-$3.99

I have all three of these products to giveaway to one lucky Mom  this Mother day

To enter visit Staples and tell me another OXO product you like?

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Contest closes 5/9/10

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