Pay It Forward With Pampers GiveawayClosed

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In celebration of its 50th birthday, Pampers is recognizing how much parenting has changed over the years, and is sharing their belief that every baby is a little miracle that deserves to be celebrated, supported and protected, by unveiling its Little Miracle Mission campaign – a program that delivers acts of kindness to miracles and their families while encouraging parents to support others.

The brand recently kicked off the Little Miracle Mission Campaign by donating care packages to NCIU’s across the country.

You can help by visiting Pampers Facebook page and pledge to pay it forward by helping an expectant mother in need. Once 2500 people pledge and complete te mission, Pampers will throw  baby showers for expectant mothers nationwide. Plus just by joining the mission you will be entered to win a year supply of diapers and wipes.


I was recently sent a gift card to help pay it forward, and at first I passed because I really don’t know anyone in my neighborhood. I was talking with my neighbor who is a school teacher and she said she was attending a baby shower for another teacher who didn’t have very much for er upcoming bundle. So first I decided to donate some unused items I had lying around from my kids including bottles, toys and more. I wanted to do more to help, so I decided to take the Little Miracle Mission and use the money to help her with Diapers. As a mother of three, diapers was the thing I need the most. So I bought some Pampers diapers and wipes to give her. Although I have never met the woman I donated everything to, It’s the goodness of helping someone in need.

I have a $50 gift card from Pampers to help you Pay It Forward.

To enter: Who will you pay It Forward too?

Extra entries:

Go to Pampers and pledge to help in the Little Miracles Mission-10 entries

Subscribe to my feed-7 entries

Grab my button-6 entries

Blog about this- 5 entries

Follow me on twitter-5 entries

Leave a comment on any non-giveaway post-4 entries

Tweet this giveaway-2 entries (can be done daily)

Contest ends 5/23/11

Disclosure: I received a gift card from Pampers who is also supplying the giveaway. All opinions are my own and were not influenced at all.

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390 thoughts on “Pay It Forward With Pampers GiveawayClosed

  1. I recently heard from a church friend that one of our members suffers from cancer.She is a single mom with one toddler and a 7 yr old. I’d like to give her, hopefully with coupons help to stretch $50, several gift baskets with all necessities and groceries.

  2. I would donate to our local Project Gabriel, part of the programs is helping them get diapers, formula and baby furniture for moms in need.
    karenmed409 at comcast dot net

  3. rt 1-
    karenmed409 at comcast dot net

  4. rt 2-
    karenmed409 at comcast dot net

  5. I’d use this to purchase products for a program for unwed mothers. They just released their immediate needs list, which includes hair detangler, enfamil, brushes, and antibacterial soap.

  6. I would give it to the Salvation Army- I volunteer there at their food giveawy site, and know they have folks out working where the tornadoes hit- they are truly first responders. $50 will buy alot of food to help folks with!

  7. rt 1-
    karenmed409 at comcast dot net

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  17. left comment on the Superhuman Powers Of Smallville Post
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  21. I would pay it forward to our local pregnancy care center. They have helped me when I was pregnant with my daughter and it would bbe nice to give back to them!

  22. my postal carrier’s a single mom with a bad back and young kids. i’d buy groceries for her, come over so she could rest in bed, and spend the day with the kids cooking casseroles together to stock up her freezer.

    kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

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