Get Your Daly Fiber With Fiber One Cereal GiveawayClosed

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The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans say people should consume 25-38 grams of fiber daily, and that the average American consumes only 15 grams.  With Fiber One cereal you can get 30% of your daily value per serving.

1000 bloggers took a survey about daily fiber and here are the results:

  • 30 percent thought they were getting the recommended Daily Value of
  • 66 percent say they struggle to incorporate fiber into their diets
  • 51 percent said that they don’t think about incorporating fiber into
    their diet, while 21 percent said fiber is too difficult to find in foods they
  • 45 percent said they would like their fiber to come with honey

***I got to try 5 different flavors of Fiber One cereal and they are all good. Some better than others, My favorite would be Carmel delight. It’s kindof taste like cinnamon with a carmel flavor. There are 5 different flavors to choose from, so you are guaranteed to find  a flavor you like.

I have a Fiber One gift pack to giveaway to a US reader

You will receive the pack pictured below

To enter: Tell me your favorite cereal?

Extra entries:

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Grab my button-6 entries

leave a comment on any non-giveaway post-5 entries (can be done for multiple posts)

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Tweet this-1 entry can be done daily

Contest closes 7/15/11

Disclosure: No compensation was received, I received a prize pack from General Mills through My blog Spark.

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