Win a Great Prize Pack (Including a flip cam) Closed

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I was to attend an event in NYC for Fathers day hosted by Pampers. Unfortunately I could not attend for family reasons. I missed out on a great event you can read a summary about it here. Since i didn’t attend the event I asked if I could give the goody bag that would have been mine away to one of my readers (since it was just sitting around). Pampers said Yes, So I get to give away a great goody bag on my blog.

One winner will receive

  • 1 travel pack of Pampers sensitive wipes
  • 1 pack of Pampers swaddlers
  • a Flipcam
  • $20 Home Depot gift card

To enter: Tell me what you did for Fathers Day?

Extra entries:

Subscribe to my feed-8 entries

Blog about this-7 entries

Grab my button-6 entries

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Leave a comment on any non-giveaway post-5 entries

Follow Pampers on Facebook-4 entries

Like my new Facebook page- 3 entries

Tweet this-2 entries ( can be done daily)

Post this on Facebook-1 entry (can be done daily)

Contest ends 7/21/11

Disclosure: No compensation or products were received at all. Giveaway is being provided by Pampers.

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631 thoughts on “Win a Great Prize Pack (Including a flip cam) Closed

  1. I didnt do anything for fathers day,as my hubby is gone away to I just stayed home and relaxed with my son.
    ksceviour at hotmail dot com

  2. For Father’s Day we went to the beach for the day came home and griled out.

  3. My family went to church that moring and then left for a trip to the beach. My hubby had a relaxing week at the beach for Father’s Day! 🙂

  4. For father’s day we had a quiet day at home. We bbqed. We have a one month old so we kept it low key

  5. We had my dad over for a BBQ, it was also my sisters birthday, so we had quite a few people over, after the BBQ some went in the hot tub while others played volleyball etc

  6. ~


    Today is hubbys BDay- this would go to him -well OK not the Pampers 🙂

  7. For Father’s Day, we went to the park and rode on a train. Then we had a nice dinner out.

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