Kraft Coupon Book Giveaway Closed

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Kraft had been introducing me to some of their new products for the 2012 year.

over the next couple months, I will be sharing my thoughts on all these goodies with you.

Kraft is also introducing the Make It Delicious (20 top seasonal recipes for 2012) magazine with $30 in coupon savings.

The magazine is normally $4.99 but for the next 2 days you can get it for only $2.99 when you order online at and use coupon code SAVE2 at checkout.

Majority of the coupons are for new products that are coming out.

I have 2 Make it Delicious recipe/coupon books to giveaway.

Open to US only please

To enter: Tell me your favorite Kraft product?

Extra entries:

  • Subscribe to my feed-8 entries
  • Blog about this-7 entries
  • Grab my button-6 entries
  • Follow me on twitter-5 entries
  • Leave a comment on any non-giveaway post-4 entries
  • Like No Time Mommy on Facebook-3 entries
  • Tweet this giveaway-2 entries (can be done daily)
  • post this giveaway on Facebook-1 entry

Contest closes 2/1/11

Disclosure:No compensation was received for this post, Kraft sent me a magazine as well as extras for giveaways


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