Wow Wow Wubbzy A Wuzzleburg Tale DVD GiveawayClosed

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The ‘Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!’ DVD series continues to delight young viewers and their families with each new release,” said Erin Carter, Executive Director of Brand Marketing for Anchor Bay Entertainment. “We’re thrilled to launch the latest addition, ‘A Wuzzleburg Tale,’ which perfectly captures the essence of the popular program – with valuable life lessons for preschoolers and a ‘happily ever after!’ – in each episode.


  • A Wuzzleburg Tale
  • Once Upon A Wubbzy
  • The Big Birthday Mystery
  • Welcome To The Dollhouse
  • Happily ever After
  • To Many wubbzys
  • Focus Wubbzy

I have one copy of A Wuzzleburg Tale on dvd to A US Reader

To enter: Tell me your favorite Wow Wow wubbzy character?

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Contest ends 5/1/12

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post. Giveaway is being provided by Anchorbay Entertainment.

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