My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Royal Pony Wedding GiveawayClosed

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My Little Pony had a royal wedding between Princess Cadence and Shining armor. It aired on television a few weeks ago.

I was able to view it and watch it when it aired. It was really good. It’s amazing at how much the My Little Pony line has progressed over the years.
My daughter loves my little pony and watches it every Saturday, and she was so excited to see that they are finally adding boy ponies.
The wedding starts out with a mystery that Twighlight Sparkle is trying to solve. Why Princess cadence is being so mean to everyone and putting spells on her brother. The other is why she didn’t even know her brother was getting married.
Princess Cadence sends Twighlight into a cave and she finds the real princess, they fight to try and stop the wedding from the change links.

My little Pony Royal Wedding is now coming to dvd on August 7, 2012. You can preorder it now from Amazon.

in Honor of the dvd release I am giving away a My Little pony Compact.

To enter: Tell me your favorite pony?

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Contest closes 6/9/12

Disclosure: No formal compensation was received for this post, a product will be received by Hasbro who is also providing the giveaway.

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69 thoughts on “My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Royal Pony Wedding GiveawayClosed

  1. I forgot to tell you my favorite pony…my favorite pony of the main ponies is Fluttershy or Pinkie Pie. My favorite non-main pony is Granny Smith (she cracks me up)

  2. My favorite character is Spike, but if I had to choose a pony, it would be Twilight Sparkle. My daughter & I watch MLP on Netflix all the time 🙂

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