Norwegian cruise Lines is getting kid friendlyClosed

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Norwegian cruise line, the way to cruise around this summer is introducing new fun activities for kids. For the younger kids they have Splash Academy and for teens they have a program called Entourage.

Splash Academy: Splash Academy is here and making a big, well, splash. Our new program is specifically designed to engage active and creative kids ages 6 months – 12 years old. Whether it’s learning to juggle at circus school with Cirque du Jour presented by Hilario Productions, working on arts & crafts projects or getting the high score on Wii, there’s plenty of fun for everyone throughout the ship.

You don’t have to worry about your toddler getting left out as they have age groups.

Guppies: 6 mo. – 2 yrs.
Turtles: 3 – 5 yrs.
Seals: 6 – 9 yrs.
Dolphins: 10 – 12 yrs.

Entourage:  Introducing Entourage, our latest and greatest program for teens ages 13-17. Play a pickup game of soccer. Take part in a theater or fashion workshop. Dive into an interactive pool party. With so much to do around our ship, your teens can choose the activities they want to do. Now let’s have some fun!

It’s so much more fun to take the whole family on a Norwegian Cruise.

To get your kids ready for the trip, you can pick them up a cruise worthy outfit from The Children’s Place.

We went out and chose this outfit, jean leggings and a Butterfly graphic tee.

 We chose leggings instead of shorts because my daughter is just more comfortable that way and it can get a little chilly after the sun goes down.

I have a fun Norwegian Cruise Line Beach bag and travel mug to one lucky US reader.

To enter: Tell me where your ideal cruise destination would be with kids?

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Giveaway ends June 28, 2012

Disclosure:  I was provided with a gift card and beach ball from The Children’s Place and Norwegian Cruise Line through Mom Select. All opinions are 100% my own.

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56 thoughts on “Norwegian cruise Lines is getting kid friendlyClosed

  1. I would like to cruise to anywhere with beautiful sandy beaches and clear water…thinking warm sunny days! 😉

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