I Was The Victim Of Fraud #Pineconeresearch #fraud

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I found out I was the recent victim of a scam that has been going around. If you have worked with Pinecone Research than you probably have heard about it or been part of it.   Pinecone Research is a marketing company that sends you emails with surveys to take and they pay you $3 per survey.

So when I got the email from my contact, that I trusted having worked with them for 4 years. I thought the survey was legitimate. I was to cash a check and do a Western Union Secret Shopper survey.   I didn’t really look into it or think anything of it. Like I said I worked with this company for 4 years. After I cashed the check and did the transfer, the check bounced 3 days later. I would find out a few hours later that it was a scam after contacting Pinecone Research, the BBB, and local authorities.

I am devastated, I lost a lot of money and that was the money to catch up on bills, and take my kids out to do fun things this summer.

I guess I have to chalk it up to a lesson learned. I am still actively pursuing every available option to catch these thieves.

I blame a little bit of everyone for this, specially myself for being so dumb when it came to this. I also put a little blame on Pinecone research for not doing more to stop this afterall this person is using their company name.   The only thing they have done is post a note on their site, which I don’t think has been there that long. That is not good enough for me. They never sent a email around about this.

This is one of the emails I was sent


Dear Brandy,

The check meant to cover the expenses for the survey should be delivering soon, you are required to cash the check and proceed with your first assignment.

Your Immediate Assignment:

Carry out a Secret Survey on the nearest Western Union outlet in your location by forwarding a fixed amount { $1550.00 } to a “Mystery Consumer” in another region who’s conducting the same survey at the “Recipient” end.

Recipient’s Western Union Information:

State: TX
Zip Code: 77479

Amount: ($1550.00)
MTCN: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Your income is $150.00 for the survey.
You’re to deduct another $150.00 to cover the transfer charges (Money in Minutes) at the Western Union outlet.

How to rate the Western Union Outlet’s Service:

You’re to simply rate the Western Union outlet’s service by simply observing and recording the parameters below:

Outlet store Address:
Appearance of Agent:
Time taken to complete Transaction:
Future improvement you would like to see:

Western Union Details After Completing the Survey:

Senders Name:
Senders Address:
Amount Sent:

Upon completion of the survey, you are to Immediately send us an E-mail with your rating of the outlet and the 10-Digit MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number) Nos of the transaction at Western Union which would be needed by the mystery consumer to complete her survey.

Thanks in advance for your participation.

Have a great day!
Karen Scott
Email: scott@pineconesresearch.com
If you wish to opt out from receiving future emails from PineCone Research, please click the link below:

Opt Out

If you wish to unsubscribe from PineCone Research, please enter your email address below, followed by the reason(s) for your discontinuation and the click, “opt-out.” We are sorry to see you go and appreciate the time you spent with us.


Now everything looks exactly like the emails you get with surveys

I contacted Pinecone and they said it is a scam and that it had been happening a while. First off if this has been happening and tehy know about it, why not contact the authorities? why not contact every single person doing surveys for you to let them know?

I am still trying to figure all this out. The emails were from the exact same email address I get all the surveys from everything.  Plus another thing I don’t understand I never gave my address out to anyone else. So how was the check sent to me?

I also put a little blame on my bank for not realizing sooner that the check was fake and just cashing it without putting a hold on it or anything. I tried to get my money back but they said they cashed the check on good faith that it would be paid. So in reality they really don’t protect their customers against check fraud.

So please don’t fall for this. I have a long road ahead to make this up to my family.

Please do not make hurtful comments as I know what I did was stupid enough and don’t need to be put down anymore.

Have you ever been the victim of fraud?

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7 thoughts on “I Was The Victim Of Fraud #Pineconeresearch #fraud

  1. I hope you are feeling a bit better I know you were verry upset by this. So glad you wrote this post it might help someone else. Tweeted/shared and will keep sharing.

  2. Wow!! I am also a member of Pinecone Research! It does like the email they send!! I am so sorry for your unfortunate circumstances!

  3. I’m so sorry that you are going through this. I stopped using Pinecone a long time ago, because my blog was making me more money so I needed to cut things to make time.

  4. My husband and I just had this same thing happen to us, which was devastating! Did you ever get anything else figured out with this or did you just end up being out the money? We’re very frustrated that Pinecone still has done nothing to notify their users about this issue, except for the small memo on their site that you have to search for. An email to each of their users informing them of this would be a much better method of communicating this.

    How are things for you now a year later?

    1. No nothing was ever done, I called police in both states. Talked to head Pinecone. Was out all that money, plus tons of fees.

      A year later I am still getting the same emails from PInecone even though I have stopped any contact with them.

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